Salvatierra castle

Salvatierra castle

Municipality: Cazorla

Regions: Sierra de Cazorla

Latitude: 37.9012°

Longitude: -3.006845°

Altitude: 1145.275 m

Video - Salvatierra castle


The Castle of the Five Corners is located on the hill that dominates the town, an 1160 metre high hill called Salvatierra hill.

The castle was built during the last quarter of the 14th century over the remains of an old Muslim fortress. The castle was used to defend the Adelantamiento headquarters and prevent possible attacks from the Nasrids of Granada.


The castle

The castle of the Five Corners is built of regular masonry courses and ashlar.

The keep is the best preserved element in the castle. It has a pentagonal base. Three sides have very similar dimensions and the other two are shorter, housing a spiral staircase that connects the different tower floors.

The tower entrance door was accessed by a pointed arch opening. The entrance door was slightly elevated and protected by a machicolated balcony with loopholes and parapets. If enemies attempted to get to the tower they could be discovered from here. This type of defense system allowed people in the tower to throw projectiles down onto the enemy, objects such as boiling liquids to impede the enemy from reaching or entering the tower.

The castle has rectangular-based towers. The northern and western façades have almost completely disappeared. However the eastern façade is preserved in a good condition. In the interior of the tower, we can find the remains of a wall that divided the parade ground and connected the east and west façades.

Photo Gallery - Salvatierra castle

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Project coordinated by:

Association for Rural Development for the District of El Condado de Jaén Association for Rural Development of Sierra Sur de Jaén Group for Rural Development of Sierra de Segura Association for Rural Development of Sierra Mágina Association for Socioeconomic Development of La Loma y Las Villas Association for Rural Development of Campiña Norte de Jaén Association for Rural Development of Sierra de Cazorla
Castillos y Fortalezas de la Provincia de Jaén