Live music at the Fortress of La Mota

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Between 24 June and 8 July, the second edition of Atardeceres en la Frontera (Sunsets on the Border) returns to Alcalá La Real. This tourist-cultural programme takes place in the Fortaleza de La Mota and hosts live performances of independent music.

The group TéCanela will perform on Friday 1 July, and the programme will be brought to a close on 8 July by Delaporte.

The proposal combines music, heritage, nature, gastronomy and quality in one of the best heritage venues in Jaén.

Tickets are already on sale on the website at the price of €8 in advance. At the box office, the price is €10.

Project coordinated by:

Association for Rural Development for the District of El Condado de Jaén Association for Rural Development of Sierra Sur de Jaén Group for Rural Development of Sierra de Segura Association for Rural Development of Sierra Mágina Association for Socioeconomic Development of La Loma y Las Villas Association for Rural Development of Campiña Norte de Jaén Association for Rural Development of Sierra de Cazorla
Castillos y Fortalezas de la Provincia de Jaén